This paper describes the AMOC project which aims at the improvement of patient throughput in the outpatient clinics. Indicators describing the workflow were extracted and serve as a base for a so called continuous improvement model. As pro actively monitoring the workflow turned out to be the best tool to optimize the throughput, a computer system was developed to present in a "dashboard" like manner the state of the indicators.,
Computers in Cardiology 2008, CAR
Department of Cardiology

Dijk, A., Hoekema, R., van der Vlugt, M., Dassen, W., van der Velde, E., van der Putten, N., … Busman, J. (2008). Analysis and monitoring of patient logistics in the cardiology outpatient clinic. Presented at the Computers in Cardiology 2008, CAR. doi:10.1109/CIC.2008.4749127