Simultaneous electrical stimulation of both ventricles in patients with interventricular conduction disturbance and advanced heart failure improves hemodynamics and results in increased exercise tolerance, quality of life. We have developed a novel technique for the assessment and optimization of resynchronization therapy. Our approach is based on transthoracic dynamic three-dimensional (3D) echocardiography and allows determination of the most delayed contraction site of the left ventricle (LV) together with global LV function data. Our initial results suggest that fast reconstruction of the LV is feasible for the selection of the optimal pacing site and allows identifying LV segments with dyssynchrony.

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Cardiovascular Ultrasound
Erasmus MC: University Medical Center Rotterdam

Szili-Török, T., Krenning, B., Voormolen, M., & Roelandt, J. (2003). Dynamic three-dimensional echocardiography combined with semi-automated border detection offers advantages for assessment of resynchronization therapy. Cardiovascular Ultrasound. doi:10.1186/1476-7120-1-14