This study investigated job search behavior and its predictors among employed and unemployed people. Ajzen’s (1985) theory of planned behavior (TPB) was used to predict job search intention and behavior in both groups. In addition, we examined the indirect effects of several other variables (i.e., job satisfaction, organizational commitment, work valence, expectancy, and financial need). Data were collected in a two-wave longitudinal design, using a sample of employed individuals (N = 989) and a sample of unemployed individuals (N = 317). Results supported the applicability of the TPB in the two groups. The attitude – intention – behavior relationship was stronger in the unemployed group than in the employed group. The TPB-variables partially mediated the effects of the additional variables studied.

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Personnel Psychology: a journal of applied research
Department of Psychology

van Hooft, E., Born, M., Taris, T., Blonk, R., & van der Flier, H. (2004). Predictors of job search behavior among employed and unemployed people. Personnel Psychology: a journal of applied research, 25–59. Retrieved from