Pessimism-independence is introduced to characterize pessimistic risk attitudes for the nonlinear-probability models of Schmeidler, Quiggin, and Yaari directly in terms of comonotonicity, rather than through additional conditions such as convexity of preferences. Pessimism-independence requires the mixture of an arbitrary good and a fixed act to be preferred to the mixture of a comonotonic bad act and the fixed act. Thus, more general than full-force independence, it does not exclude the additional (pessimistic) appreciation of the hedging involved in the mixture of a noncomonotonic bad and fixed act. More restrictive than comonotonic independence, it does exclude (optimistic) aversion of hedging.

Journal of Economic Theory
Erasmus School of Economics

Wakker, P. (1990). Characterizing optimism and pessimism directly through comonotonicity. Journal of Economic Theory, 52(3), 453–463. doi:10.1016/0022-0531(90)90043-J