The problems involved in torsional deformity afterfractures of the femoral shaft in childhood can be formulated in a number of questions. The aim of the present study has been to find. as far as possible, answers to these questions: - Are there reliable methods for the measurement of torsional deformity of the femur? If so, how frequently and to what extent does this type of deformity occur? - Is spontaneous correction of persisting torsional deformity to be expected? If so, to what extent will this occur? - Will persisting torsional deformity, if not corrected, cause detrimental effects? If so, at what limits of torsional deformity will such effects be produced? These questions can be summarized as follows: - In what percentage of femoral shaft fractures in childhood does torsional deformity occur to such an extent, that the deformity will give rise to persisting detrimental effects, if not corrected by active medical treatment? The problems concerning the treatment of this kind of fracture can be formulated in two more questions: - Is it necessary to perform measurements of torsional displacement during the treatment of any femoral shaft fracture in childhood? If not, are there groups at risk in which proper treatment does require such measurements? - Is it necessary to adjust the existing methods of conservative treatment in such a way, that torsional displacement can be measured and corrected as part of the treatment?

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J.C. Molenaar , A. Huson
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Erasmus MC: University Medical Center Rotterdam

Brouwer, K. J. (1981, October 28). Torsional deformities after fractures of the femoral shaft in childhood : a retrospective study, 27-32 years after trauma. Retrieved from