The “resources, dynamic capabilities and competences perspective” (Sanchez, 2001) has challenged firms to apply these concepts to improve their competitive position.Mana gement consulting firms may assist clients in these efforts.Howe ver, the roles that management consulting firms fulfill in these processes can differ considerably and are under-researched.Ther efore, insight in these different roles and the impact of these roles on clients’ competitive positioning in their industries is required.The purpose of this paper is to develop a conceptual framework that highlights the importance of distinguishing both roles and the implications for management consulting firms and for their clients.W e illustrate the framework by elaborating on the relationship between both roles and the strategic renewal context of client firms.W e conclude by pointing out the increasing importance of the competence leverage role of management consulting firms and how this development might contribute to a more hypercompetitive context for their clients.

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ERIM (Electronic) Books and Chapters
Erasmus Research Institute of Management

Baaij, M., van den Bosch, F., & Volberda, H. (2005). The Impact of Management Consulting Firms on Transfer and Building of Their Clients' Competence. In ERIM (Electronic) Books and Chapters. doi:10.1016/S0749-6826(04)08002-3