This paper describes a participatory foresight method developed and tested by the authors. The method of cultural perspective images, rooted in grid-group of cultural theory, was used in an experimental dialogue among companies and a selection of other stakeholders directly or indirectly involved in the food chain of farmed salmon. The method is used to map different future outlooks based on distinct worldviews and management styles present in the food chain and its social environment. Drawing cultural perspective images helps to foresee when cultural perspectives are commensurable or not. Its use also supports efforts to define a shared future beyond the immediate concerns of competition and cost pressures and to enhance strategic transparency between the cultures in food chains and society.

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Production Planning and Control
Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Vellema, S., Loorbach, D., & van Notten, P. (2006). Strategic transparency between food chain and society: Cultural perspective images on the future of farmed salmon. Production Planning and Control, 17(6), 624–632. doi:10.1080/09537280600866884