In the present era of thrombolysis, congestive heart failure secondary to (sub)acute coronary artery obstruction can be reduced to a considerable extent or even avoided altogether. Evidence from several recent trials in humans, aimed at restoring perfusion of the jeopardized myocardium-and thus preserving normal ventricular function-is presented. It is clear that thrombolysis, provided it is instituted within 4 h of onset of symptoms in patients with a large area of the myocardium at risk, can prevent ischemic heart failure.

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Cardiology: international journal of cardiovascular medicine, surgery and pathology
Erasmus MC: University Medical Center Rotterdam

Simoons, M., & Hugenholtz, P. (1988). Can Thrombolysis prevent ischemic heart failure?. Cardiology: international journal of cardiovascular medicine, surgery and pathology, 75(Suppl. 1), 90–102. Retrieved from