Bending of DNA is a feature essential to the function of many DNA-binding proteins. Bending angles can be estimated with a variety of techniques, but most directly from images obtained using scanning force microscopy (SFM). Direct measurement of the bending angle using a tangent method often produces angles that deviate significantly from values obtained using other techniques. Here, we describe the application of SFM in combination with simulations of DNA as a means to estimate protein-induced bending angles in a reliable and unbiased fashion. In this manner, we were able to obtain accurate estimates for the bending angles induced by nuclear factor I, octamer-binding transcription factor 1, the human XPC-Rad23B complex.,
Nucleic Acids Research
Department of Radiation Oncology

Dame, R., van Mameren, J., Luijsterburg, M., Mysiak, M., Janicijevic, A., Pazdzior, G., … Wuite, G. (2005). Analysis of scanning force microscopy images of protein-induced DNA bending using simulations. Nucleic Acids Research, 33(7), 1–7. doi:10.1093/nar/gni073