In this pilot study, we evaluate an algorithm that uses predictive clinical and laboratory parameters to differentiate between patients with hospital-acquired infection (HAI) and patients without HAI. Seventy-four percent of the studied population of surgical patients could be reliably (negative predictive value of 98%) excluded from detailed assessment by the infection control practitioner.,
Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology
Department of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases

Streefkerk, R., Moorman, P., Parlevliet, G., van der Hoeven, C., Verbrugh, H., Vos, M., & Verkooijen, R. (2014). An automated algorithm to preselect patients to be assessed individually in point prevalence surveys for hospital-acquired infections in surgery. Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology, 35(7), 886–887. doi:10.1086/676868