This study reports on stability and change in emotional and behavioral problems in young adults over a 2-year time span. A sample of 528 18- to 22-year-olds from the general population was assessed using the Young Adult Self-Report (YASR) on two occasions. Stability coefficients for the total problem score of the YASR were 0.63 for males and 0.75 for females. Forty-nine percent of the subjects who were initially classified as deviant were still deviant at follow-up. Of all YASR syndromes, the highest stability was for the Anxious/Depressed scale.,
Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology: the international journal for research in social and genetic epidemiology and mental health services
Pediatric Psychiatry

Verhulst, F., & Ferdinand, R. (1995). Psychopathology in Dutch young adults: enduring or changeable?. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology: the international journal for research in social and genetic epidemiology and mental health services, 30(2), 60–64. doi:10.1007/BF00794943