Aims/hypothesis Defects in pancreatic beta cell turnover are implicated in the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes by genetic markers for diabetes. Decreased beta cell neogenesis could contribute to diabetes. The longevity and turnover of human beta cells is unknown; in rodents <1 year old, a half-life of 30 days is estimated. Intracellular lipofuscin body (LB) accumulation is a hallmark of ageing in neurons. To estimate the lifespan of human beta cells, we measured beta cell LB accumulation in individuals aged 1-81 years.,
Diabetologia: clinical and experimental diabetes and metabolism
Department of Internal Medicine

Cnop, M., Hughes, S., Igoillo-Esteve, M., Hoppa, M., Sayyed, F., van de Laar, L., … Clark, A. (2010). The long lifespan and low turnover of human islet beta cells estimated by mathematical modeling of lipofuscin accumulation. Diabetologia: clinical and experimental diabetes and metabolism, 53(2), 321–330. doi:10.1007/s00125-009-1562-x