Addition of concentrated rat Sertoli cell conditioned medium (rSCCM) to isolated Leydig cells from immature rats stimulated steroid production more than 13-fold within 4h. LH-stimulated steroidogenesis was not enhanced by addition of rSCCM. The biological activity of the concentrated rSCCM was higher after incubation of Sertoli cells with FSH, whereas FSH alone did not stimulate steroid production. This effect of rSCCM was not due to inhibin, since highly purified 32 kDa rat inhibin, in doses equivalent to those present in rSCCM, had no effect on steroidogenesis during the 4 h incubation period. Furthermore, inhibin could be separated from the Leydig cell stimulating factor by anion-exchange chromatography. These results indicate a short-term paracrine control of Leydig cell steroidogenesis by Sertoli cell derived factors, which differ from inhibin.

doi.org/10.1016/0022-4731(90)90086-8, hdl.handle.net/1765/59378
Journal of Steroid Biochemistry
Department of Biochemistry

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