The human myeloid translocation genes (MTGs) encode a family of proteins with a modular structure that can be traced to the Drosophila protein nervy. The nuclear MTGs can mediate the formation of complex protein networks among nuclear corepressors (Sin3a, N-CoR, SMRT), chromatin-modifying enzymes (histone deacetylases), and DNA-binding transcription factors. Hierarchical modulation of repression at target genes by MTG protein complexes is likely required for fine spatial and temporal gene regulation during development and differentiation. Genomic changes can disrupt these sophisticated protein networks and underlie novel pathogenic causes of cancer and neurodegeneration.

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Department of Clinical Genetics

Rossetti, S., Hoogeveen, A., & Sacchi, N. (2004). The MTG proteins: Chromatin repression players with a passion for networking. Genomics, 84(1), 1–9. doi:10.1016/j.ygeno.2004.02.011