The pathogenesis of hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) is still enigmatic, and a valid animal model for HS is currently not available. The recent discovery of γ-secretase mutations in a subpopulation of patients with HS suggested γ-secretase transgenic mice as a model for HS pathogenesis. However, the discrepancies between human HS and these mice are daunting. We critically review cases of animal HS and transgenic γ-secretase mouse models for HS and discuss the criteria which should be met for a representative pathogenic model. Copyright

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Dermatology: international journal for clinical and investigative dermatology
Department of Dermatology

van der Zee, H., Laman, J., & Prens, E. (2012). Can animal skin diseases or current transgenic mice serve as a model for hidradenitis suppurativa?. Dermatology: international journal for clinical and investigative dermatology (Vol. 225, pp. 9–13). doi:10.1159/000339773