Ankle injuries are a huge medical and socioeconomic problem. Many people have a traumatic injury of the ankle, most of which are a result of sports. Total costs of treatment and work absenteeism due to ankle injuries are high. The prevention of recurrences can result in large savings on medical costs. A multidisciplinary clinical practice guideline was developed with the aim to prevent further health impairment of patients with acute lateral ankle ligament injuries by giving recommendations with respect to improved diagnostic and therapeutic opportunities. The recommendations are based on evidence from published scientific research, which was extensively discussed by the guideline committee. This clinical guideline is helpful for healthcare providers who are involved in the management of patients with ankle injuries.,
British Journal of Sports Medicine: an international peer-reviewed journal of sport and exercise medicine
Department of Clinical Chemistry

Kerkhoffs, J.-L., van den Bekerom, M., Elders, L., van Beek, P., Hullegie, Y., Bloemers, W., … de Bie, R. (2012). Diagnosis, treatment and prevention of ankle sprains: An evidence-based clinical guideline. British Journal of Sports Medicine: an international peer-reviewed journal of sport and exercise medicine, 46(12), 854–860. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2011-090490