Four clinical decision rules (CDRs) (Wells score, Revised Geneva Score(RGS), simplified Wells score and simplified RGS) safely exclude pulmonaryembolism (PE), when combined with a normal D-dimer test. Recently,an age-adjusted cut-off of the D-dimer (patient's age x 10 μg/l)safely increased the number of patients above 50 years in whom PEcould safely be excluded. We validated the age-adjusted D-dimer testand assessed its performance in combination with the four CDRs in patientswith suspected PE. A total of 414 consecutive patients with suspectedPE who were older than 50 years were included. The proportionof patients in whom PE could be excluded with an 'unlikely' clinicalprobability combined with a normal age-adjusted D-dimer test was calculatedand compared with the proportion using the conventionalD-dimer cut-off. We assessed venous thromboembolism (VTE) failurerates during three months follow-up. In patients above 50 years, a normalage-adjusted D-dimer level in combination with an 'unlikely' CDRsubstantially increased the number of patients in whom PE could besafely excluded: from 13-14% to 19-22% in all CDRs similarly. In patientsover 70 years, the number of exclusions was nearly four-foldhigher, and the original Wells score excluded most patients, with an increasefrom 6% to 21% combined with the conventional and age-adjustedD-dimer cut-off, respectively. The number of VTE failures was alsocomparable in all CDRs. In conclusion, irrespective of which CDR isused, the age-adjusted D-dimer substantially increases the number of patients above 50 years in whom PE can be safely excluded.

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Thrombosis and Haemostasis: international journal for vascular biology and medicine
Pediatric Psychiatry

van Es, J., Mos, I. C. M., Douma, R., Erkens, P. M., Durian, M., Nizet, T., … Kamphuisen, P. W. (2012). The combination of four different clinical decision rules and an ageadjustedd-dimer cut-off increases the number of patients in whomacute pulmonary embolism can safely be excluded. Thrombosis and Haemostasis: international journal for vascular biology and medicine, 107(1), 167–171. doi:10.1160/TH11-08-0587