
Ordinal data sets often contain a certain amount of non-monotone noise. This paper proposes three algorithms for removing these non-monotonicities by relabeling the noisy instances. The first

one is a naive algorithm. The second one is a refinement of this naive algorithm which minimizes the difference between the old and the new label. The third one is optimal in the sense that the number of unchanged instances is maximized. The last algorithm is a refinement of the second. In addition, the runtime complexities are discussed.

Erasmus University Rotterdam
Econometric Institute Research Papers
Erasmus School of Economics

Pijls, W., & Potharst, R. (2014). Repairing non-monotone ordinal data sets by changing class
labels (No. EI 2014-29). Econometric Institute Research Papers. Retrieved from http://hdl.handle.net/1765/77641