
Recently, Fielding and Roiko found that information provision affects knowledge of and support for potable recycled water. However, recent cultural-sociological insights suggest that such effects are not universal. A re-analysis of the original data reveals the relevance of cultural predispositions: significant effects only exist in specific subgroups of the population. Only those who are comfortable with new technologies prove receptive to new information about potable recycled water. These findings are relevant for scholars aiming to uncover the mechanisms through which information affects public opinion, and for policymakers trying to overcome community resistance to alternative water sources.

, , , , ,
doi.org/10.1016/j.watres.2015.05.067, hdl.handle.net/1765/78477
Water Research
Department of Sociology

de Koster, W., & Achterberg, P. (2015). Comment on "Providing information promotes greater public support for potable recycled water" by Fielding, K.S. and Roiko, A.H., 2014 [Water Research 61, 86-96]. Water Research. doi:10.1016/j.watres.2015.05.067