The intrinsic regeneration capacity of articular cartilage following injury is limited. Partialthickness defects are not repaired and full-thickness defects are repaired with fi brocartilage. Untreated, these defects may progress to early osteoarthritis. The goal of surgical treatment of (osteo)chondral defects is to reduce symptoms, improve joint congruence by restoring the joint surface with the best possible tissue, and to prevent joint degeneration. Current clinical and experimental treatment methods, for cartilage repair and regeneration, do not result in durable and predictable restoration of the articular surface in damaged joints. An important prerequisite for durable repair of cartilage lesions is the integration of wound edges or the integration of repair tissue with the surrounding host cartilage. In the general introduction chapter (chapter 1) the morphology and molecular composition of articular cartilage is described. The incidence and natural outcome of articular cartilage defects is given as well as a short overview of current clinical and experimental surgical treatment techniques.

Bauerfind Benelux BV, Biomet Nederland BV, Depuy-Johnson & Johnson, J.E. Jurriaanse Stichting, Jongenengel Orthopedisch Centrum BV, Livit Orthopedie BV, Mathys Orthopaedics BV, Nederlandse Orthopaedische Vereniging, Oudshoorn Chirurgische Techniek BV, Penders Voetzorg, Reumafonds, Smith & Nephew BV, Somas Orthopaedie BV, Stichting Anna Fonds, Stryker Nederland BV, Synthes BV, Van Wijk Orthopedische Schoentechniek bv, Verhaar, Prof. Dr. J.A.N. (promotor)
J.A.N. Verhaar (Jan)
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Erasmus MC: University Medical Center Rotterdam

Bos, K. (2006, December 6). Cartilage Wound Healing and Integration. Retrieved from