Have you ever thought of virtues? Temperance, Courage, Justice, Hope, and Love, just to name a few. And, have you ever thought that they could have anything to do with economics? Economists have long ago separated the moral philosophy (ethics) and the science of choice (economics) from each other. They have supposed that economic transactions – producing goods, exchanging them in the market, and eventually consuming them – are entirely independent from the human condition.

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AElementair / uitg. van de Stichting AEolus
Erasmus School of Philosophy

Yalçintas, A. (2004). When Being Virtuous Makes Sense: Bourgeois Ethics in the Golden Age vs. Embarrassment. AElementair / uitg. van de Stichting AEolus, 4, 1–3. Retrieved from http://hdl.handle.net/1765/8198