Journal of Clinical Investigation
- ISSN: 00219738
Published by The American Society for Clinical Investigation
Bacterial Interference Induced in Embryonated Eggs by Staphylococci Article
Journal of Clinical Investigation, 46(3), 453-462.January 1967 -
Bacterial Interference of Chick Embryos Article
Journal of Clinical Investigation, 46(3), 446-452.January 1967 -
Study of the molecular mechanism of decreased liver synthesis of albumin in inflamation Article
Journal of Clinical InvestigationH.J. Moshage, J.A.M.J.L. Janssen (Joop), J.H. Franssen, J.C. Hafkenscheid and S.H. Yap
January 1987 -
Humoral immune response to influenza vaccination in patients with primary immunoglobulin A nephropathy. An analysis of isotype distribution and size of the influenza-specific antibodies. Article
Journal of Clinical Investigation, 1070-1075.A.W.L. van der Wall Bake (Warmold) and W.E.Ph. Beyer (Walter)
October 1989 -
Determinants of mild clinical symptoms in cystic fibrosis patients. Residual chloride secretion measured in rectal biopsies in relation to the genotype Article
Journal of Clinical InvestigationH.J. Veeze, D.J.J. Halley (Dicky), J. Bijman (Jan), J.C. de Jongste (Johan), H.R. de Jonge (Hugo) and M. Sinaasappel (Maarten)
January 1994 -
Vitamin D receptor genotype is associated with osteoarthritis Article
Journal of Clinical Investigation, 259-263.Q. Huang (Qiuju), C.M. van Duijn (Cornelia), J.C. Birkenhäger (Jan), J.P.T.M. van Leeuwen (Hans), H.A.P. Pols (Huib), A.G. Uitterlinden (André), E. Odding (Else), H. Burger (Huibert) and A. Hofman (Albert)
January 1997 -
An in vitro model for cytogenetic conversion in CML. Interferon-alpha preferentially inhibits the outgrowth of malignant stem cells preserved in long-term culture Article
Journal of Clinical InvestigationJ.J. Cornelissen (Jan), R.E. Ploemacher (Robert), B.W. Wognum, A. Borsboom (Astrid), J.C. Kluin-Nelemans (Hanneke), A. Hagemeijer (Anne) and B. Löwenberg (Bob)
January 1998 -
Myeloid dendritic cells induce Th2 responses to inhaled antigen, leading to eosinophilic airway inflammation Article
Journal of Clinical InvestigationB.N.M. Lambrecht (Bart), M. de Veerman, A.J. Coyle (Anthony), J.C. Gutierrez-Ramos, K. Thielemans (Kris) and R.A. Pauwels
January 2000