BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth
- ISSN: 14712393
Published by BMC - BioMed Central, London
Publishes original research articles on all aspects of pregnancy and childbirth.
Progesterone for the prevention of preterm birth in women with multiple pregnancies: The AMPHIA trial Article
BMC Pregnancy and ChildbirthA.C. Lim (Arianne), K.W.M. Bloemenkamp (Kitty), K. Boer (Kees), J.J. Duvekot (Hans), J.J.H.M. Erwich, T.H.M. Hasaart (Tom), P. Hummel (Pieter), B.W.J. Mol (Ben), J.P.M. Offermans (Jos), C.M. Van Oirschot (Charlotte M.), et al. J.G. Santema (Job), H.C.J. Scheepers (Hubertina), W. Schöls (Willem), F.P.H.A. Vandenbussche (Frank), M.G.A.J. Wouters (Maurice) and H.W. Bruinse (Hein)
June 2007 -
When outcome is a balance: Methods to measure combined utility for the choice between induction of labour and expectant management in mild risk pregnancy at term Article
BMC Pregnancy and ChildbirthD. Bijlenga (Denise), E. Birnie (Erwin), B.W.J. Mol (Ben) and G.J. Bonsel (Gouke)
July 2007 -
Induction of labour versus expectant management in women with preterm prelabour rupture of membranes between 34 and 37 weeks (the PPROMEXIL-trial) Article
BMC Pregnancy and ChildbirthD.P. van der Ham (David), J.G. Nijhuis (Jan), B.W.J. Mol (Ben), J.J. van Beek (Hans), B.C. Opmeer (Brent), D. Bijlenga (Denise), M. Groenewout (Mariette), B. Arabin (Birgit), K.W.M. Bloemenkamp (Kitty), W.J. van Wijngaarden (Wim), et al. M.G.A.J. Wouters (Maurice), P.J.M. Pernet (Paula), M. Porath (Martina), J.F.M. Molkenboer (Jan), J.B. Derks (Jan), M.M. Kars (Michael M.), H.C.J. Scheepers (Hubertina), M.J.N. Weinans (Martin), M.D. Woiski (Mallory), H.I.J. Wildschut (Hajo) and C. Willekes (Christine)
July 2007 -
Disproportionate Intrauterine Growth Intervention Trial At Term: DIGITAT Article
BMC Pregnancy and ChildbirthK.E. Boers (Kim), D. Bijlenga (Denise), B.W.J. Mol (Ben), S. LeCessie (Saskia), E. Birnie (Erwin), M.G. van Pampus (Maria), R.H. Stigter (Rob), K.W.M. Bloemenkamp (Kitty), C.A. van Meir (Claudia), J.A.M. van der Post (Joris), et al. D.J. Bekedam (Dick), L.S.M. Ribbert (Lucy), A.P. Drogtrop (Addie), P.C.M. van der Salm (Paulien), A.J.M. Huisjes (Anjoke), C. Willekes (Christine), F.J.M.E. Roumen (Frans), H.C.J. Scheepers (Hubertina), K. de Boer (Karin), J.J. Duvekot (Hans), J.G. Thornton (Jim) and S.A. Scherjon (Sicco)
July 2007 -
Multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification versus karyotyping in prenatal diagnosis: the M.A.K.E. study Article
BMC Pregnancy and ChildbirthE.M.A. Boormans (Elisabeth), E. Birnie (Erwin), H.I.J. Wildschut (Hajo), G.H. Schuring-Blom (Heleen), D. Oepkes (Dick), C.A.C. van Oppen (Carla), J.G. Nijhuis (Jan), M.V.E. Macville (Merryn), A.J.A. Kooper (Angelique), K. Huijsdens (Karin), et al. M.J.V. Hoffer (Mariëtte) and A.T.J.I. Go (Attie)
June 2008 -
Women's attitude towards prenatal screening for red blood cell antibodies, other than RhD Article
BMC Pregnancy and ChildbirthJ. Koelewijn, T.G.M. Vrijkotte (Tanja), M. de Haas (Masja), C.E. van der Schoot (Ellen) and G.J. Bonsel (Gouke)
November 2008 -
Cost-effectiveness of fibronectin testing in a triage in women with threatened preterm labor: Alleviation of pregnancy outcome by suspending tocolysis in early labor (APOSTEL-I trial) Article
BMC Pregnancy and ChildbirthJ.Y. Vis (Jolande), F.F. Wilms (Femke), M.A. Oudijk (Martijn), M. Porath (Martina), H.C.J. Scheepers (Hubertina), K.W.M. Bloemenkamp (Kitty), A.C. Bolte (Annemieke), J.M.J. Cornette (Jérôme), J.B. Derks (Jan), J.J. Duvekot (Hans), et al. J. van Eyck (Jim), A. Kwee (Anneke), B.C. Opmeer (Brent), M.G. van Pampus (Maria), F.K. Lotgering (Fred), S.A. Scherjon (Sico), K.M. Sollie (Krystyna), M.E.A. Spaanderman, C. Willekes (Christine), J.A.M. van der Post (Joris) and B.W.J. Mol (Ben)
September 2009 -
Assessment of perinatal outcome after sustained tocolysis in early labour (APOSTEL-II trial) Article
BMC Pregnancy and ChildbirthC. Roos (Carolien), L.H.C.J. Scheepers (Liesbeth), K.W.M. Bloemenkamp (Kitty), A.C. Bolte (Annemieke), J.M.J. Cornette (Jérôme), J.B. Derks (Jan), J.J. Duvekot (Hans), J. van Eyck (Jim), J.H. Kok (Joke), A. Kwee (Anneke), et al. A. Merién (Ashley), B.C. Opmeer (Brent), M.G. van Pampus (Mariëlle), D.N.M. Papatsonis (Dimitri), M. Porath (Martina), J.A.M. van der Post (Joris), S.A. Scherjon (Sico), K. Sollie (Krystyne), M.E.A. Spaanderman, S.M.C. Vijgen (Sylvia), C. Willekes (Christine), B.W.J. Mol (Ben) and F.K. Lotgering (Fred)
September 2009