Experimental Brain Research
- ISSN: 00144819
Published by Springer
Takes an interdisciplinary approach to the study of the central and peripheral nervous systems. Covers the fields of morphology, physiology, behavior, neurochemistry, developmental neurobiology, and experimental pathology relevant to general problems of brain function.
An fMRI study on smooth pursuit and fixation suppression of the optokinetic reflex using similar visual stimulation Article
Experimental Brain Research, 185(4), 535-544.C.K.L. Schraa-Tam (Caroline), A. van der Lugt (Aad), M.A. Frens (Maarten), M. Smits (Marion), P.C.A. van Broekhoven (Flip) and J.N. van der Geest (Jos)
March 2008 -
The latency for correcting a movement depends on the visual attribute that defines the target Article
Experimental Brain Research, 187(2), 219-228.M.M. Veerman (Margot), E. Brenner (Eli) and J.B.J. Smeets (Jeroen)
May 2008 -
Avoiding moving obstacles Article
Experimental Brain Research, 190(3), 251-264.M.P. Aivar (Pilar), E. Brenner (Eli) and J.B.J. Smeets (Jeroen)
September 2008 -
Cortical and cerebellar activation induced by reflexive and voluntary saccades Article
Experimental Brain Research, 192(2), 175-187.C.K.L. Schraa-Tam (Caroline), P.C.A. van Broekhoven (Flip), J.N. van der Geest (Jos), M.A. Frens (Maarten), M. Smits (Marion) and A. van der Lugt (Aad)
January 2009 -
Catching a gently thrown ball Article
Experimental Brain Research, 206(4), 409-417.J. López-Moliner (Joan), E. Brenner (Eli), S. Louw (Stefan) and J.B.J. Smeets (Jeroen)
October 2010 -
Structural correlates of motor adaptation deficits in patients with acute focal lesions of the cerebellum Article
Experimental Brain ResearchR.G. Burciu (Roxana Gabriela), J. Reinold (Johanna), K. Rabe (Kasja), E. Wondzinski (Elke), M. Siebler (Mario), O. Müller (Oliver), N. Theysohn (Nina), G.J. Gerwig (Gerrit), O. Donchin (Opher) and D. Timmann (Dagmar)
May 2014 -
Cerebellar tDCS does not improve performance in probabilistic classification learning Article
Experimental Brain Research, 412-428.N. Seyed Majidi, M.C. Verhage (Claire), O. Donchin (Opher), P.J. Holland (Peter), M.A. Frens (Maarten) and J.N. van der Geest (Jos)
October 2016 -
The influence of cervical movement on eye stabilization reflexes A randomized trial Article
Experimental Brain Research, 236(1), 297-304.B.K. Castelijns Ischebeck (Britta), J. de Vries (Jurryt), J-P. van Wingerden (Jean-Paul), G.J. Kleinrensink (Gert Jan), M.A. Frens (Maarten) and J.N. van der Geest (Jos)
January 2018