Disability and Rehabilitation
- ISSN: 09638288
Published by Informa Healthcare
Impairment and employment issues after nerve repair in the hand and forearm Article
Disability and Rehabilitation, 27(11), 617-623.P.M. Meiners (P.), J.H. Coert (Henk), P.H. Robinson (Peter) and M.F. Meek (Marcel)
June 2005 -
Response to: Theory development and a science of rehabilitation (Siegert RJ, McPherson KM, Dean SG) Note
December 2005 -
Assessment of arm/hand functioning in children with a congenital transverse or longitudinal reduction deficiency of the upper limb Review
L.M. Buffart (Laurien), M.E. Roebroeck (Marij), W.G.M. Janssen (Wim), J.M.F.B. Pesch-Batenburg (Josemiek) and H.J. Stam (Henk)
January 2006 -
The epidemiology of cerebral palsy: Incidence, impairments and risk factors Article
Disability and Rehabilitation, 28(4), 183-191.E. Odding (Else), M.E. Roebroeck (Marij) and H.J. Stam (Henk)
February 2006 -
The level and time course of disability: Trajectories of disability in adults and young elderly Article
Disability and Rehabilitation, 28(16), 1015-1026.W.J. Nusselder (Wilma), C.W.N. Looman (Caspar) and J.P. Mackenbach (Johan)
August 2006 -
Cognitive functioning of adolescents and young adults with meningomyelocele and level of everyday physical activity Article
Disability and Rehabilitation, 28(20), 1237-1242.M.E. Roebroeck (Marij), L. Hempenius (L.), B. van Baalen (Bianca), J.G.M. Hendriksen, H.J.G. van den Berg-Emons (Rita) and H.J. Stam (Henk)
October 2006 -
Everyday physical activity and community participation of adults with hemiplegic cerebral palsy Article
Disability and Rehabilitation, 29(3), 179-189.W.M.A. van der Slot (Wilma), M.E. Roebroeck (Marij), A.P. Landkroon, M. Terburg (Martinus), H.J.G. van den Berg-Emons (Rita) and H.J. Stam (Henk)
February 2007 -
Determinants of functioning of adolescents and young adults with cerebral palsy Article
Disability and Rehabilitation, 29(6), 453-463.M. Donkervoort (Mireille), M.E. Roebroeck (Marij), D.J.H.G. Wiegerink (Diana), H.C.M. van der Heijden-Maessen and H.J. Stam (Henk)
August 2007