Acta Orthopaedica (Print)
- ISSN: 17453674
Published by Informa Healthcare
Effects of ligament sectioning on the kinematics of the distal tibiofibular syndesmosis: A radiostereometric study of 10 cadaveric specimens based on presumed trauma mechanisms with suggestions for treatment Article
Acta Orthopaedica (Print), 77(3), 531-540.A. Beumer (Annechien), E.R. Valstar (Edward), E.H. Garling (Eric), R. Niesing (Ruud), A.Z. Ginai (Abida), J. Ranstam (Jonas) and B.A. Swierstra (Bart)
June 2006 -
Prediction of torsional failure in 22 cadaver femora with and without simulated subtrochanteric metastatic defects: a CT scan-based finite element analysis Article
Acta Orthopaedica (Print), 77(3), 474-481.S. Spruijt (Sander), J.C. van der Linden (Jacqueline), P.D.S. Dijkstra (Sander), T. Wiggers (Theo), M. Oudkerk (Matthijs), C.J. Snijders (Chris), F. van Keulen (Fred), J.A.N. Verhaar (Jan), H.H. Weinans (Harrie) and B.A. Swierstra (Bart)
June 2006 -
External fixation of the pelvic ring: An experimental study on the role of pin diameter, pin position, and parasymphyseal fixator pins Article
Acta Orthopaedica (Print), 78(5), 648-653.K.J. Ponsen (Kees-jan), P. Joosse (Pieter), G.A. Hoek van Dijke (Gilbert) and C.J. Snijders (Chris)
October 2007 -
Survival of closing-wedge high tibial osteotomy: good outcome in men with low-grade osteoarthritis after 10-16 years Article
Acta Orthopaedica (Print), 79(2), 230-234.T.M. van Raaij (Tom), M. Reijman (Max), R.W. Brouwer (Reinoud), T.S. Jakma (Tijs) and J.A.N. Verhaar (Jan)
April 2008 -
Anterior cruciate ligament injury in professional dancers Article
Acta Orthopaedica (Print), 79(4), 515-518.August 2008 -
Opposite cortical fracture in high tibial osteotomy: lateral closing compared to the medial opening-wedge technique Article
Acta Orthopaedica (Print), 79(4), 508-514.T.M. van Raaij (Tom), R.W. Brouwer (Reinoud), R. de Vlieger (Rogier), M. Reijman (Max) and J.A.N. Verhaar (Jan)
August 2008 -
No positive effect of autologous platelet gel after total knee arthroplasty: A double-blind randomized controlled trial: 102 patients with a 3-month follow-up Article
Acta Orthopaedica (Print), 80(5), 557-562.J.C. Peerbooms (Joost), G.S. de Wolf (Gideon), J.W. Colaris (Joost), D.J. Bruijn (Danil) and J.A.N. Verhaar (Jan)
November 2009 -
Complications after hip arthroplasty and the association with hospital procedure volume: A nationwide retrospective cohort study on 50,080 total hip replacements with a follow-up of 3 months after surgery Article
Acta Orthopaedica (Print), 82(5), 545-552.L.M. de Vries (Laura), M.C.J.M. Sturkenboom (Miriam), J.A.N. Verhaar (Jan), J.H. Kingma and B.H.Ch. Stricker (Bruno)
October 2011