Diseases of the Colon and Rectum
- ISSN: 00123706
Healing of ischemic colonic anastomosis: Fibrin sealant does not improve wound healing Article
Diseases of the Colon and Rectum, 35(9), 884-891.A.C. van der Ham (Arie), W.J. Kort (Wil), I.M. Weijma (I.), H.F.G.M. van den Ingh (H. F G M) and J. Jeekel (Hans)
September 1992 -
Visceral neuropathy in slow transit constipation: An immunohistochemical investigation with monoclonal antibodies against neurofilament Article
Diseases of the Colon and Rectum, 36(12), 1112-1117.W.R. Schouten (Ruud), F.J.W. ten Kate (Fiebo), E.J.R. de Graaf (Eelco), E.C.A.M. Gilberts (E. C A M), J.L. Simons and P. Klück (Paul)
December 1993 -
Relationship between anal pressure and anodermal blood flow - The vascular pathogenesis of anal fissures Article
Diseases of the Colon and Rectum, 37(7), 664-669.W.R. Schouten (Ruud), J.W. Briel (J.) and J.J.A. Auwerda (Johannes)
July 1994 -
Surgery for local recurrence of rectal carcinoma Article
Diseases of the Colon and Rectum, 39(3), 323-328.T. Wiggers (Theo), M.R. de Vries (Mark) and B. Veeze-Kuypers (Bernadette)
March 1996 -
Role of defecography in predicting clinical outcome of rectocele repair Article
Diseases of the Colon and Rectum, 40(2), 201-207.J.H. van Dam (Jet), A.Z. Ginai (Abida), M.J. Gosselink (Manon), W. Huisman (Willem), H.J. Bonjer (Jaap), W.C.J. Hop (Wim) and W.R. Schouten (Ruud)
February 1997 -
Clinical value of colonic irrigation in patients with continence disturbances Article
Diseases of the Colon and Rectum, 40(7), 802-805.J.W. Briel (J.), W.R. Schouten (Ruud), E.A. Vlot (E.), S. Smits (S.) and I. van Kessel (Ingrid)
July 1997 -
Anismus: Fact or fiction? Article
Diseases of the Colon and Rectum, 40(9), 1033-1041.W.R. Schouten (Ruud), J.W. Briel (J.), J.J.A. Auwerda (Johannes), J.H. van Dam (Jet), M.J. Gosselink (Manon), A.Z. Ginai (Abida) and W.C.J. Hop (Wim)
September 1997 -
Long-term results of suture rectopexy in patients with fecal incontinence associated with incomplete rectal prolapse Article
Diseases of the Colon and Rectum, 40(10), 1228-1232.J.W. Briel (J.), W.R. Schouten (Ruud) and M.O. Boerma (Michiel)
October 1997