European journal of emergency medicine : official journal of the European Society for Emergency Medicine
- ISSN: 09699546
Psychoactive substance (drugs and alcohol) use by emergency department patients before injury Article
European journal of emergency medicine : official journal of the European Society for Emergency MedicineP.P.M. Rood (Pleunie), J.A. Haagsma (Juanita), S.M. Boersma (Suzanne), A. Tancica (Andrea), E.M.M. van Lieshout (Esther), T.M. Mulligan (Terrence), H. van de Mheen (Dike), E.F. van Beeck (Ed) and P. Patka (Peter)
August 2014 -
Systematic review of frequent users of emergency departments in non-US hospitals: State of the art Review
S. van Tiel (Sofie), P.P.M. Rood (Pleunie), A.M. Bertoli Avella (Aida), V. Erasmus (Vicky), J.A. Haagsma (Juanita), E.F. van Beeck (Ed), P. Patka (Peter) and S. Polinder (Suzanne)
September 2015 -
Education, exposure and experience of prehospital teams as quality indicators in regional trauma systems Article
European journal of emergency medicine : official journal of the European Society for Emergency Medicine, 23(4), 274-278.Van Der Eng, D.M. (Dorien M.), E.F. van Beeck (Ed), E.M. Hoogervorst (Esther) and J.J.L.M. Bierens (Joost Jan Laurens Marie)
August 2016 -
Effects of emergency department crowding on the delivery of timely care in an inner-city hospital in the Netherlands Article
European journal of emergency medicine : official journal of the European Society for Emergency Medicine, 23(5), 337-343.N. van der Linden (Naomi), M.C. van der Linden (M. Christien), J. Richards (John), R. Derlet (Robert), Grootendorst, D.C. (Diana C.) and C.L. van den Brand (Crispijn)
October 2016 -
Minimum operational standards for emergency departments: an e-Delphi approach from the Netherlands Article
European journal of emergency medicine : official journal of the European Society for Emergency MedicineM. Gaakeer (Menno), R.J.G. Veugelers (Rebekka), P. Patka (Peter) and R. Huijsman (Robbert)
January 2017 -
Frequent users of the emergency department services in the largest academic hospital in the Netherlands: A 5-year report Article
European journal of emergency medicine : official journal of the European Society for Emergency Medicine, 24(2), 130-135.A.M. Bertoli Avella (Aida), J.A. Haagsma (Juanita), S. van Tiel (Sofie), V. Erasmus (Vicky), S. Polinder (Suzanne), E.F. van Beeck (Ed), P. Patka (Peter) and P.P.M. Rood (Pleunie)
January 2017 -
The role of emergency physicians in the institutionalization of emergency medicine Article
European journal of emergency medicine : official journal of the European Society for Emergency Medicine, 24(4), 301-307.J. van Schothorst (Janine), C.L. van den Brand (Crispijn), M. Gaakeer (Menno) and I. Wallenburg (Iris)
January 2017 -
Increase in intracranial pressure by application of a rigid cervical collar: a pilot study in healthy volunteers Article
European journal of emergency medicine : official journal of the European Society for Emergency MedicineI.M. Maissan (Iscander), Ketelaars, R. (Rein), Vlottes, B. (Boris), S.E. Hoeks (Sanne), den Hartog, D. (Dennis) and R.J. Stolker (Robert)
July 2017