European Economic Review
- ISSN: 00142921
Published by North-Holland
Ragnar Frisch's Role in Econometrics: a sketch Article
European Economic Review, 5(1), 3-6.January 1974 -
Further analysis of cross-country comparison of consumer expenditure patterns Article
European Economic Review, 303-306.January 1974 -
A note on aggregation of CES-type production functions Article
European Economic Review, 97-101.January 1975 -
Testing and Applying a Theory of Utility; an attempt to decompose income in compensatory and scarcity rents Article
European Economic ReviewJ. Tinbergen (Jan), N. Bouma (Nienke) and B.M.S. van Praag (Bernard)
January 1976 -
How to Reduce the Incomes of the Two Labour Elites? Article
European Economic ReviewJanuary 1977 -
The individual welfare function of income: a lognormal distribution function? Article
European Economic Review, 11(4), 387-393.January 1978 -
Normal costs and demand effects in price setting: a study of retailing Article
European Economic Review, 999-1011.August 1988 -
Price formation of fish *1 An application of an inverse demand system Article
European Economic ReviewJanuary 1989