Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology
- ISSN: 09607692
Fetal transcerebellar diameter and chromosomal abnormalities Article
Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, 17(6), 502-505.A.S.M. Vinkesteijn (A. S M), C.L.R. Jansen (C. L R), F.J. Los, P.G.H. Mulder (Paul) and J.W. Wladimiroff (Juriy)
July 2001 -
Fetal heart rate and umbilical artery velocity variability in fetuses with congenital cardiac defects: A preliminary study Article
Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, 18(2), 135-140.N.T.C. Ursem (Nicolette), E.B. Clark, L.T. Pagotto (L.) and J.W. Wladimiroff (Juriy)
August 2001 -
Early prenatal sonographic diagnosis and follow-up of Jeune syndrome Article
Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, 18(4), 378-383.N.S. den Hollander (Nicolette), S.G.F. Robben (Simon), A.J.M. Hoogeboom (Jeannette), M.F. Niermeijer (Martinus) and J.W. Wladimiroff (Juriy)
October 2001 -
Unilateral multicystic dysplastic kidney: A combined pre- and postnatal assessment Article
Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, 19(2), 180-183.L. van Eijk (L.), T.E. Cohen-Overbeek (Titia), N.S. den Hollander (Nicolette), R.J.M. Nijman (Rien) and J.W. Wladimiroff (Juriy)
March 2002 -
Umbilical venous volume flow in the normally developing and growth-restricted human fetus Article
Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, 19(4), 344-349.S.M. Boito, P.C. Struijk (Pieter), N.T.C. Ursem (Nicolette), Th. Stijnen (Theo) and J.W. Wladimiroff (Juriy)
June 2002 -
Early fetal anomaly scanning in a population at increased risk of abnormalities Article
Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, 19(6), 570-574.N.S. den Hollander (Nicolette), M.W. Wessels (Marja), M.F. Niermeijer (Martinus), F.J. Los and J.W. Wladimiroff (Juriy)
June 2002 -
Cardiac ventricular performance in the for-gestational age and small-for-gestational age fetus: Relation to regional cardiac non-uniformity and peripheral resistace Article
Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, 20(1), 35-41.P.B. Pavel, E. Malkin (Elissa), O. Artemieva (O.), F. Blyakhman (F.) and J.W. Wladimiroff (Juriy)
July 2002 -
Quantitative transvaginal two- and three-dimensional sonography of the ovaries: Reproducibility of antral follicle counts Article
Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, 20(3), 270-275.G.J. Scheffer (G.), F.J.M. Broekmans (Frank), L.F.J.M.M. Bancsi (Laszlo), J.D.F. Habbema (Dik), C.W.N. Looman (Caspar) and E.R. te Velde (Egbert)
October 2002