Molecular Oncology
- ISSN: 15747891
Decreased expression of ABAT and STC2 hallmarks ER-positive inflammatory breast cancer and endocrine therapy resistance in advanced disease Article
Molecular Oncology, 9(6), 1218-1233.M.P.H.M. Jansen (Maurice), L. Sas (Leen), A.M. Sieuwerts (Anieta), C. van Cauwenberghe (Caroline), D.E. Ramirez Ardila (Diana), M.P. Look (Maxime), K. Ruigrok-Ritstier (Kirsten), P. Finetti (Pascal), F. Bertucci (François), A.M. Timmermans (Annemieke), et al. C.H.M. van Deurzen (Carolien), J.W.M. Martens (John W. M.), I. Simon (Iris), P. Roepman (Paul), S.C. Linn (Sabine), P. van Dam (Peter), M. Kok (Marleen), F. Lardon (Filip), P.B. Vermeulen (Peter), J.A. Foekens (John), L.Y. Dirix (Luc), P.M.J.J. Berns (Els) and S.J. van Laere (Steven)
January 2015 -
mRNA expression profiles in circulating tumor cells of metastatic colorectal cancer patients Article
Molecular Oncology, 9(4), 920-932.B. Mostert (Bianca), A.M. Sieuwerts (Anieta), J. Bolt-de Vries (Joan), J. Kraan (Jaco), Z.S. Lalmahomed (Zarina), A. van Galen (Anne), P. van der Spoel (Petra), V. de Weerd (Vanja), R. Ramírez-Moreno (Raquel), M. Smid (Marcel), et al. C. Verhoef (Kees), J.N.M. IJzermans (Jan), J.W. Gratama (Jan-Willem), S. Sleijfer (Stefan), J.A. Foekens (John) and J.W.M. Martens (John)
April 2015 -
Proper genomic profiling of (BRCA1-mutated) basal-like breast carcinomas requires prior removal of tumor infiltrating lymphocytes Article
Molecular Oncology, 9(4), 877-888.M.P.G. Massink (Maarten P.G.), I.E. Kooi (Irsan E.), S.E. van Mil (Saskia), E.S. Jordanova (Ekaterina S.), N. Ameziane (Najim), J.C. Dorsman (Josephine), D.M. van Beek (Daphne M.), J.P. van der Voorn (J. Patrick), D.L.S. Sie (Daoud), B. Ylstra (Bauke), et al. C.H.M. van Deurzen (Carolien), J.W.M. Martens (John), M. Smid (Marcel), A.M. Sieuwerts (Anieta), V. de Weerd (Vanja), J.A. Foekens (John), A.M.W. van den Ouweland (Ans), E. van Dyk (Ewald), P.M. Nederlof (Petra), Q. Waisfisz (Quinten) and E.J. Meijers-Heijboer (Hanne)
April 2015 -
4-protein signature predicting tamoxifen treatment outcome in recurrent breast cancer Article
Molecular Oncology, 10(1), 24-39.T. de Marchi (Tommaso), N.Q. Liu (Ning Qing), C. Stingl (Christoph), A.M. Timmermans (Mieke), M. Smid (Marcel), M.P. Look (Maxime), M. Tjoa (Mila), R.B.H. Braakman (René), M. Opdam (Mark), S.C. Linn (Sabine), et al. F.C. Sweep (Fred), P.N. Span (Paul), M. Kliffen (Mike), T.M. Luider (Theo), J.A. Foekens (John), J.W.M. Martens (John) and A. Umar (Arzu)
January 2016 -
Cripto: Expression, epigenetic regulation and potential diagnostic use in testicular germ cell tumors Article
Molecular Oncology, 10(4), 526-537.C.M. Spiller (Cassy M.), A.J.M. Gillis (Ad), G. Burnet (Guillaume), J.A. Stoop (Hans), P. Koopman (Peter), J. Bowles (Josephine) and L.H.J. Looijenga (Leendert)
April 2016 -
The influence of insulin-like Growth Factor-1-Receptor expression and endocrine treatment on clinical outcome of postmenopausal hormone receptor positive breast cancer patients: A Dutch TEAM substudy analysis Article
Molecular Oncology, 10(4), 509-516.C.C. Engels (Charla C.), N.A. de Glas (Nienke A.), A. Sajet (Anita), E. Bastiaannet (Esther), V.T.H.B.M. Smit (Vincent), P.J.K. Kuppen (P. J K), C.M. Seynaeve (Caroline), C.J.H. van de Velde (Cornelis) and G.-J. Liefers (Gerrit-Jan)
April 2016 -
A validated microRNA profile with predictive potential in glioblastoma patients treated with bevacizumab Article
Molecular Oncology, 10(8), 1296-1304.Hayes, J. (Josie), Thygesen, H. (Helene), W. Gregory (W.), P. Westhead (Paul), P.J. French (Pim), M.J. van den Bent (Martin), Lawler, S.E. (Sean E.) and Short, S.C. (Susan C.)
October 2016 -
LRG1 mRNA expression in breast cancer associates with PIK3CA genotype and with aromatase inhibitor therapy outcome Article
Molecular Oncology, 10(8), 1363-1373.D.E. Ramirez Ardila (Diana), K. Ruigrok-Ritstier (Kirsten), J. Helmijr (Jean), M.P. Look (Maxime), S.J. van Laere (Steven), L.Y. Dirix (Luc), P.M.J.J. Berns (Els) and M.P.H.M. Jansen (Maurice)
October 2016