Drug Discovery Today
- ISSN: 13596446
Offers pharmacists and physicians news in pharmacologic research.
Serotonin receptors as cardiovascular targets Review
C.M. Villalón (Carlos), P.A.M. de Vries (Peter) and P.R. Saxena (Pramod Ranjan)
July 1997 -
Broad spectrum immune monitoring in immune-mediated inflammatory disorders Article
Drug Discovery Today, 10(20), 1348-1351.October 2005 -
MRI-guided immunotherapy development for multiple sclerosis in a primate Review
B.A. 't Hart (Bert), P. Smith, S. Amor (Sandra), G.J. Strijkers (Gustav) and E. Blezer (Erwin)
January 2006 -
Disease induction by human microbial pathogens in plant-model systems: potential, problems and prospects Review
P. van Baarlen (Peter), A.F. van Belkum (Alex) and B.P.H.J. Thomma (Bart)
February 2007 -
Preclinical models of arthritic disease in non-human primates Review
M.P.M. Vierboom (Michel), M. Jonker (Margreet), P.P. Tak (Paul) and B.A. 't Hart (Bert)
April 2007 -
Orphan drug development across Europe: bottlenecks and opportunities Review
H.E. Heemstra (Harald), R.L.A. de Vrueh (Remco), S. van Weely (Sonja), H.A. Büller (Hans) and H.G.M. Leufkens (Hubert)
August 2008 -
Challenges for drug studies in children: CYP3A phenotyping as example Review
S.N. de Wildt (Saskia), S. Ito (Shinya) and G. Koren (Gideon)
January 2009 -
Tailor-made drug treatment for children. Creation of an infrastructure for data-sharing and population PK-PD modeling Review
I. Ince (Ibrahim), S.N. de Wildt (Saskia), D. Tibboel (Dick), M. Danhof (Meindert) and C.A.J. Knibbe (Catherijne)
March 2009