Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology, B: Biology
- ISSN: 10111344
Publishes papers for scientists who seek to understand light and its interactions with the processes of life. Also includes technological developments, forthcoming events, conference reports, and reports on current areas of research.
In vivo action spectra, absorption and fluorescence excitation spectra of photosensitizers for photodynamic therapy Article
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology, B: Biology, 28(1), 101-102.January 1995 -
Photodynamic therapy: A promising new modality for the treatment of cancer Review
J.J. Schuitmaker (J.), P. Baas (Paul), H.L.L.M. van Leengoed (H. L L M), F.W. van der Meulen (Freerk), W.M. Star (W.) and N. van Zandwijk (Nico)
June 1996 -
In vivo photo-detection of chemically induced premalignant lesions and squamous cell carcinoma of the rat palatal mucosa Article
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology, B: Biology, 39(2), 156-166.J.M. Nauta (Jan), O.C. Speelman (O.), H.L.L.M. van Leengoed (H. L L M), P.G.J. Nikkels (Peter), J.L.N. Roodenburg, W.M. Star (W.), M.J.H. Witjes (Max) and M. Vermey
June 1997 -
5-Aminolaevulinic acid-induced protoporphyrin IX accumulation in tissues: Pharmacokinetics after oral or intravenous administration Article
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology, B: Biology, 44(1), 29-38.J. van den Boogert-Kluin (Jolanda), R. van Hillegersberg (Richard), F.W.M. de Rooij (Felix), R.W.F. de Bruin (Ron), A. Edixhoven-Bosdijk (Annie), A.B. Houtsmuller (Adriaan), P.D. Siersema (Peter), J.H.P. Wilson (Paul) and H.W. Tilanus (Hugo)
June 1998 -
White-light toxicity, resulting from systemically administered 5-aminolevulinic acid, under normal operating conditions Article
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology, B: Biology, 50(2-3), 88-93.M.J.A.M. Aalders, N.V.D. Vange (Nine), F.A. Stewart, M.G. Klein (Marloes), M.J.V.D. Vijver (Mark) and H.J.C.M. Sterenborg (Dick)
September 1999 -
Fractionated illumination in oesophageal ALA-PDT: Effect on ferrochelatase activity Article
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology, B: Biology, 56(1), 53-60.J. van den Boogert-Kluin (Jolanda), H.J. van Staveren (H.), R.W.F. de Bruin (Ron), F.W.M. de Rooij (Felix), A. Edixhoven-Bosdijk (Annie), P.D. Siersema (Peter) and R. van Hillegersberg (Richard)
September 2000 -
In vivo pharmacokinetics of protoporphyrin IX accumulation following intracutaneous injection of 5-aminolevulinic acid Article
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology, B: Biology, 61(1-2), 21-29.A.W. de Blois (A.), M.R.T.M. Thissen (Monique), H.S. de Bruijn (Riette), R.J.E. Grouls (R. J E), R.P. Dutrieux (R.), D.J. Robinson (Dominic) and H.A.M. Neumann (Martino)
August 2001 -
Timing of 5-aminolaevulinic acid-induced photodynamic therapy for the treatment of patients with Barrett's oesophagus Article
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology, B: Biology, 68(1), 8-14.P. Hinnen (Petra), F.W.M. de Rooij (Felix), W.C.J. Hop (Wim), A. Edixhoven (Annie), H. van Dekken (Herman), J.H.P. Wilson (Paul) and P.D. Siersema (Peter)
August 2002