- ISSN: 03043959
Published by Elsevier
Prediction of postoperative pain and duration of hospitalization using two anxiety measures Article
Pain, 45(3), 293-297.S. Boeke (Saskia), H.J. Duivenvoorden (Hugo), F. Verhage and A. Zwaveling
January 1991 -
The occurrence and inter-rater reliability of myofascial trigger points in the quadratus lumborum and gluteus medius: A prospective study in non-specific low back pain patients and controls in general practice Article
Pain, 58(3), 317-323.January 1994 -
Efficacy of epidural steroid injections for low-back pain and sciatica: A systematic review of randomized clinical trials Review
B.W. Koes (Bart), R.J.P.M. Scholten (Rob), J.M.A. Mens (Jan) and L.M. Bouter (Lex)
January 1995 -
The influence of psychological variables on postoperative anxiety and physical complaints in patients undergoing lumbar surgery Article
Pain, 69(1-2), 19-25.K.I. de Groot (Karina), S. Boeke (Saskia), H.J. van den Berge (Herbert), H.J. Duivenvoorden (Hugo), B. Bonke (Benno) and J. Passchier (Jan)
January 1997 -
Ambulatory accelerometry to quantify motor behaviour in patients after failed back surgery: A validation study Article
Pain, 74(2-3), 153-161.J.B.J. Bussmann (Hans), Y.M. van de Laar (Y.), M.P. Neeleman (M.) and H.J. Stam (Henk)
January 1998 -
Evaluation of the use of a pain diary in chronic cancer pain patients at home Article
Pain, 79(1), 89-99.R. de Wit (Rianne), F.S. van Dam (Frits), M.J.G. Hanneman (Marianne), L. Zandbelt (Linda), M.W. van Buuren (Arwin), K. van der Heijden (Karin), K. Leenhouts (Kees), C.J. Loonstra (Cees) and H. Huijer Abu-Saad (Huda)
January 1999 -
Patient utilities in chronic musculoskeletal pain: How useful is the standard gamble method? Review
M.E.J.B. Goossens (Mariëlle E. J.), J.W.S. Vlaeyen (Johan W.), M.P.M.H. Rutten-van Mölken (Maureen) and S. van der Linden (S.)
March 1999 -
The reliability and validity of the COMFORT scale as a postoperative pain instrument in 0 to 3-year-old infants Article
Pain, 84(2-3), 367-377.M. van Dijk (Monique), J.B. de Boer (Josien), J.M. Koot (Hans), D. Tibboel (Dick), J. Passchier (Jan) and H.J. Duivenvoorden (Hugo)
February 2000