- ISSN: 11707690
Published by ADI BV
Cost effectiveness of interventions for lateral epicondylitis: Results from a randomised controlled trial in primary care Article
PharmacoEconomics, 22(3), 185-195.I.B.C. Korthals-De Bos (Ingeborg), N. Smidt (Nynke), M.W. van Tulder (Maurits), M.P.M.H. Rutten-van Mölken (Maureen), H.J. Adèr (Herman), D.A.W.M. van der Windt (Daniëlle), W.J.J. Assendelft (Willem) and L.M. Bouter (Lex)
March 2004 -
Reconciliation of economic concerns and health policy: Illustration of an equity adjustment procedure using proportional shortfall Review
E.A. Stolk (Elly), G. van Donselaar (Gijs), W.B.F. Brouwer (Werner) and J.J. van Busschbach (Jan)
December 2004 -
Measuring productivity changes in economic evaluation: Setting the research agenda Review
M.A. Koopmanschap (Marc), A. Burdorf (Alex), K. Jacob (Karin), W.J. Meerding (Willem Jan), W.B.F. Brouwer (Werner) and J.L. Severens (Hans)
February 2005 -
April 2005
The relationship between productivity and health-related QOL: An exploration Review
W.B.F. Brouwer (Werner), W.J. Meerding (Willem Jan), L.M. Lamers (Leida) and J.L. Severens (Hans)
May 2005 -
Introducing economic evaluation as a policy tool in Korea: Will decision makers get quality information? A critical review of published Korean economic evaluations Review
K.-S. Lee (Kun-Sei), W.B.F. Brouwer (Werner), S.-I. Lee (Sang-Il) and H.-W. Koo (Hye-Won)
July 2005 -
Societal discounting of health effects in cost-effectiveness analyses: The influence of life expectancy Article
PharmacoEconomics, 23(8), 791-802.S. Polinder (Suzanne), W.J. Meerding (Willem Jan), N.J.A. van Exel (Job) and W.B.F. Brouwer (Werner)
October 2005 -
February 2006