Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine
- ISSN: 09685243
Published by Springer
Presents the latest research, development, and application of techniques in magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy
Evaluation of atrial septal defects with 4D flow MRI—multilevel and inter-reader reproducibility for quantification of shunt severity Article
Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and MedicineR.G. Chelu (Raluca Gabriela), Horowitz, M. (Michael), Sucha, D. (Dominica), I. Kardys (Isabella), Ingremeau, D. (Delphine), S.S. Vasanawala (Shreyas S.), K. Nieman (Koen), Paul, J.-F. (Jean-Francois) and Hsiao, A. (Albert)
January 2018 -
Effects of systematic partial volume errors on the estimation of gray matter cerebral blood flow with arterial spin labeling MRI Article
Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine, 1-10.Petr, J. (Jan), H.-J. Mutsaerts (Henk-Jan), E. De Vita (Enrico), R.M.E. Steketee (Rebecca), M. Smits (Marion), A.J. Nederveen (Aart), Hofheinz, F. (Frank), van Den Hoff, J. (Jörg) and Asllani, I. (Iris)
June 2018 -
A phase-cycled temperature-sensitive fast spin echo sequence with conductivity bias correction for monitoring of mild RF hyperthermia with PRFS Article
Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine, 32(3), 369-380.M.M. Wu (Mavis), Mulder, H.T., Zur, Y., Lechner-Greite, S., Menzel, M.I., M.M. Paulides (Maarten), G.C. van Rhoon (Gerard) and Haase, A.
December 2018 -
ESMRMB Round Table report on “Can Europe Lead in Machine Learning of MRI-Data?” Article
Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and MedicinePizzini, F.B. (Francesca B.), Pesapane, F. (Filippo), W.J. Niessen (Wiro), Geerts-Ossevoort, L. (Liesbeth) and Broeckx, N. (Nils)
January 2020 -
Use of multiparametric MRI to characterize uterine fibroid tissue types Article
Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and MedicineI.M. Verpalen (Inez M.), Anneveldt, K.J. (Kimberley J.), Vos, P.C. (Pieter C.), Edens, M.A. (Mireille A.), Heijman, E. (Edwin), Nijholt, I.M. (Ingrid M.), J.R. Dijkstra (Jeroen), J.M. Schutte (Joke), A. Franx (Arie), L.W. Bartels (Lambertus), et al. C.T.W. Moonen (Chrit) and M.F. Boomsma (Martijn F.)
March 2020 -
Mapping tumour heterogeneity with pulsed 3D CEST MRI in non-enhancing glioma at 3 T Article
Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and MedicineWarnert, E.A.H. (Esther A. H.), Wood, T.C. (Tobias C.), F. Incekara (Fatih), Barker, G.J. (Gareth J.), A. Vincent (Audrey), J.W. Schouten (Joost), J.M. Kros (Johan), M.J. van den Bent (Martin), M. Smits (Marion) and Tamames, J.A.H. (Juan A. Hernandez)
February 2021