American Academy of Dermatology. Journal
- ISSN: 01909622
Published by Mosby, St. Louis (USA)
Reply Letter To Editor
M.T. Bousema (M.), V.D. Vuzevski (Vojislav) and A.P. Oranje (Arnold P.)
January 1990 -
Hyposensitization in nickel allergic contact dermatitis: Clinical and immunologic monitoring Article
American Academy of Dermatology. Journal, 32(4), 576-583.R.J.J. Troost (Roger), M.M.A. Kozel (M. M A), C.G. van Helden-Meeuwsen (Cornelia), Th. van Joost (Theo), P.G.H. Mulder (Paul), R. Benner (Robbert) and E.P. Prens (Errol)
January 1995 -
Somatostatin receptor scintigraphy in cutaneous malignant lymphomas Article
American Academy of Dermatology. Journal, 34(6), 985-993.P.J. van den Anker-Lugtenburg (P.), F. Heule (Freerk), P.M. Vanhagen (P.), Th. van Joost (Theo), H.Y. Oei (H.), B. Löwenberg (Bob) and E.P. Krenning (Eric)
June 1996 -
Value of urinary N-methylhistamine measurements m childhood mastocytosis Article
American Academy of Dermatology. Journal, 35(4), 556-558.D. van Gysel (Dirk), A.P. Oranje (Arnold), I. Vermeiden (Ida), J. De Lijster De Raadt (Jacqueline), P.G.H. Mulder (Paul) and A.W. van Toorenenbergen (Albert)
October 1996 -
Prilocaine/lidocaine patch as a local premedication for skin biopsy in children Article
American Academy of Dermatology. Journal, 37(3 I), 418-421.F.B. de Waard-van der Spek (Flora), P.G.H. Mulder (Paul) and A.P. Oranje (Arnold)
October 1997 -
Fluticasone propionate 0.05% cream once daily versus clobetasone butyrate 0.05% cream twice daily in children with atopic dermatitis Article
American Academy of Dermatology. Journal, 39(2 I), 226-231.A. Wolkerstorfer (Albert), M.A. Strobos (M.), E.J. Glazenburg (Eltjo), P.G.H. Mulder (Paul) and A.P. Oranje (Arnold)
August 1998 -
Delayed effects of accidental cutaneous radiation exposure: Fifteen years of follow-up after the Chernobyl accident Article
American Academy of Dermatology. Journal, 49(3), 417-423.M. Steinert (Marianna), S.M.J. Fliedner (Stephanie), R.U. Peter (Ralf Uwe), M. Weiss (Melanie), P. Gottlöber (Petra), D. Belyi (David), O. Gergel (Oleg), V. Bebeshko (Vladimir), N. Nadejina (Natalia), I. Galstian (Irina), et al. G. Wagemaker (Gerard)
September 2003 -
Clonal identity between skin and synovial tissue in a case of mycosis fungoides with polyarthritis Article
American Academy of Dermatology. Journal, 51(1), 111-117.Y. Sandberg (Yorick), M. El Abdouni (M'hamed), K.H. Lam (King), A.W. Langerak (Anton), P.J. Lugtenburg (Pieternella), R.J.E.M. Dolhain (Radboud) and F. Heule (Freerk)
July 2004