Current Opinion in Pulmonary Medicine
- ISSN: 10705287
January 2003
Asthma remission: Does it exist? Review
L.M. van den Toorn (Leon), S.E. Overbeek (Shelley), J-B. Prins (Jan-Bas), H.C. Hoogsteden (Henk) and J.C. de Jongste (Johan)
January 2003 -
January 2003
January 2006
November 2006
January 2014
January 2016
New insights on patient-reported outcome measures in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: Only PROMises? Review
M.S. Wijsenbeek-Lourens (Marlies), Manena, M.V. (Mirjam Van) and F. Bonella (Francesco)
September 2016