Psychological Assessment
- ISSN: 10403590
Understanding planning ability measured by the tower of London: An evaluation of its internal structure by latent variable modeling Article
Psychological Assessment, 22(4), 923-934.G.V. Koppenol-Gonzalez Marin (Gabriela), S. Bouwmeester (Samantha) and A.M. Boonstra (Marije)
December 2010 -
Severity Indices of Personality Problems (SIPP-118) in Adolescents: Reliability and Validity Article
Psychological Assessment, 23(3), 646-655.D.J. Feenstra (Dineke), J. Hutsebaut (Joost), R. Verheul (Roel) and J.J. van Busschbach (Jan)
September 2011 -
The Bolsa Família Evaluation: a quasi-experimental study in Rio de Janeiro Article
EUR-ISS-CIRIL. Mourao (Luciana), A. Macedo de Jesus (Anderson) and Ferreira, M. C.
January 2012 -
Agreement of informants on emotional and behavioral problems from childhood to adulthood Article
Psychological Assessment, 24(2), 293-300.J. van der Ende (Jan), F.C. Verhulst (Frank) and H.W. Tiemeier (Henning)
June 2012 -
Young children's self-reported emotional, behavioral, and peer problems: The berkeley puppet interview Article
Psychological Assessment, 25(4), 1273-1285.A.P. Ringoot (Ank), P.W. Jansen (Pauline), J.C. Graaf, (Jurgen C. de), J.R. Measelle (Jeffrey), J. van der Ende (Jan), H. Raat (Hein), V.W.V. Jaddoe (Vincent), A. Hofman (Albert), F.C. Verhulst (Frank) and H.W. Tiemeier (Henning)
December 2013 -
Therapeutic assessment promotes treatment readiness but does not affect symptom change in patients with personality disorders: Findings from a randomized clinical trial Article
Psychological Assessment, 26(2), 474-483.H. de Saeger (Hilde), J.H. Kamphuis (Jan Henk), S.E. Finn (Stephen), J.D. Smith (Justin), R. Verheul (Roel), J.J. van Busschbach (Jan), D.J. Feenstra (Dineke) and E.K. Horn (Eva)
January 2014 -
Assessment of identity during adolescence using daily diary methods: Measurement invariance across time and sex Article
Psychological Assessment, 28(28), 660-672.A.I. Becht (Andrik), Branje, S.J.T., Vollebergh, W.A.M., Maciejewski, D.F., van Lier, P.A.C, J.M. Koot (Hans), J.A. Denissen (Jaap) and Meeus, W.H.J.
January 2016 -
Evaluation of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnair-Dysregulation Profile (SDQ-DP). Article
Psychological Assessment, 30(9), 1174-1185.M.H.F. Deutz (Marike), Q. Shi (Qinxin), H.G.M. Vossen (Helen), J. Huiding (Jorg), P.J. Prinzie (Peter), M. Deković (Maja), A.L. Van Baar (Anneloes) and S. Woltering (Steven)
January 2018