Erasmus Journal of Medicine
The Erasmus Journal of Medicine (EJM) is a scientific magazine by and for students, especially students of Erasmus MC University Medical Center Rotterdam. It was initiated by the MFVR (the medical students’ organization of Erasmus MC). The journal appears twice a year. It is published on paper (1500 copies) and on the EJM website ( The main purpose of the EJM is to encourage medical and research master students to conduct research (empirical studies or systematic reviews) and report on this research, and become acquainted with a professional publishing process either as authors, reviewers or editors. A secondary purpose is to make the results of excellent student-driven research known to others. The journal contains articles describing original research, systematic reviews, extended abstracts (summaries of recently conducted studies), calls from research projects for students to participate, opinion papers written by students, editorial comments, case reports, clinical lessons, clinical images, and letters to the editor. The Erasmus Journal of Medicine is funded by Erasmus MC, through an unrestricted grant. First authors of submitted papers have to be medical or research master students.