Open Boogie. A Leitmotiv for Open Science April 2016 - April 2016
Jazz and Open Science have much in common. 'The spirit of jazz is the spirit of openness’, as Herbie Hancock stated. Like Open Science, jazz has an impact on society. One can easily see jazz improvisations as musical innovative creations of musical experts who redefine the musical tradition as well as their own work. A jazz standard is in fact a many cited creation which is presented to an audience - and most times, created in a dialogue between the musicians and the audience.
EU Commissioner Carlos Moedas identified: Open Innovation, Open Science, Open to the World as the three strategic priorities for Europe to address major challenges (see: speech for the Conference ‘A new start for Europe: Opening up to an ERA of Innovation’, Brussels, June 2015. Source:
To emphasise the relation between Open Science and jazz, Open Science now has a musical theme, a jazz Leitmotiv. This piece, composed and performed by Dutch renowned pianist, composer and bandleader Michiel Borstlap is called: 'Open Boogie’. Open Boogie is now available for the world; the song, the sheet music, the video recording.
On April 5 2016, Open Boogie was performed for the first time during the Open Science symposium: Designing and shaping open science.
We invite everyone in the Open Science community to create own interpretations of ‘Open Boogie’ and share this with the world.
Privacy and personal data protection are often seen as main barriers for sharing, opening and re-using data.
In the context of growing support for open science, including the concepts of open research data and optimal re-use of data, it is time to move this debate forward. This symposium attempted to do just that. Starting from testimony on the Open Research Data Pilot in Horizon 2020, it explored the concept of 'Privacy by Design' as a possible way forward, and discussed the case of text and data-mining (TDM). The Symposium turned towards developing an action plan regarding open data and privacy that fed into the Open Science Presidency Conference being held in parallel on 4-5 April in Amsterdam.