Frontiers in Immunology
Published by Frontiers Research Foundation
Frontiers in Immunology is a peer-reviewed Open Access Journal, and the official Journal of the International Union of Immunological Societies (IUIS). It provides a novel way to disseminate the latest findings in basic and translational research in Immunology and to facilitate communication, both among scientists as well as the community at large.
Frontiers in Immunology aims to publish the most outstanding research findings encompassing the entire field of Immunology. In addition to papers that investigate basic mechanisms of immune system development and function, a particular emphasis is given to the description of the clinical and immunological phenotype of human immune disorders, and on the definition of their molecular basis. Furthermore, availability of a growing number of biological drugs, coupled with fine characterization of the molecular mechanisms of disease, has now made precision medicine a desirable approach for many immunological disorders. Frontiers in Immunology intends to portray how advances of scientific knowledge and technology may translate into novel approaches to diagnosis and treatment of immune disorders, both in animal and cellular models and in humans.
Complement activation in autoimmune bullous dermatoses: A comprehensive review Review
Edwards, G. (Gareth), G.F.H. Diercks, M.A.J. Seelen, B.H. Horvath (Barbara), M.B.A. van Doorn (Martijn) and J. Damman (Jeffrey)
January 2019 -
EuroFlow-based flowcytometric diagnostic screening and classification of primary immunodeficiencies of the lymphoid system Article
Frontiers in Immunology, 10(JUN)J.J.M. van Dongen (Jacques), M. van der Burg (Mirjam), T. Kalina (Tomas), M. Perez-Andres, E. Mejstříková (Ester), M. Vlkova (Marcela), E. Lopez-Granados (Eduardo), M.W.J. Wentink (Marjolein), A.-K. Kienzler (Anne-Kathrin), J. Philippé (Jan), et al. Sousa, A.E. (Ana E.), M.C. van Zelm (Menno), Blanco, E. (Elena) and A. Orfao (Alberto)
January 2019 -
MicroRNA-155 controls T helper cell activation during viral infection Article
Frontiers in Immunology, 10(JUN)Goncalves-Alves, E. (Eliana), Saferding, V. (Victoria), Schliehe, C. (Christopher), Benson, R. (Robert), Kurowska-Stolarska, M. (Mariola), Brunner, J.S. (Julia Stefanie), Puchner, A. (Antonia), Podesser, B.K. (Bruno K.), J.S. Smolen (Josef), Redlich, K. (Kurt), et al. Bonelli, M. (Michael), Brewer, J. (James), Bergthaler, A. (Andreas), Steiner, G. (Günter) and Blüml, S. (Stephan)
January 2019 -
CD maps—dynamic profiling of CD1–CD100 surface expression on human leukocyte and lymphocyte subsets Article
Frontiers in Immunology, 10(OCT)T. Kalina (Tomas), K. Fiser (Karel), M. Perez-Andres, Kužílková, D. (Daniela), Cuenca, M. (Marta), S.J.W. Bartol (Sophinus), Blanco, E. (Elena), Engel, P. (Pablo) and M.C. van Zelm (Menno)
January 2019 -
Human memory Th17 cell populations change into anti-inflammatory cells with regulatory capacity upon exposure to active Vitamin D Article
Frontiers in Immunology, 10(JULY)W. Dankers (Wendy), N. Davelaar (Nadine), J.P. van Hamburg (Jan Piet), J. van de Peppel (Jeroen), E.M. Colin (Edgar) and E.W. Lubberts (Erik)
January 2019 -
Apparent Lack of BRAFV600E Derived HLA Class I Presented Neoantigens Hampers Neoplastic Cell Targeting by CD8+ T Cells in Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis Article
Frontiers in ImmunologyKemps, P.G. (Paul G.), T.C.E. Zondag (Timo C. E.), Steenwijk, E.C. (Eline C.), Andriessen, Q. (Quirine), Borst, J. (Jelske), Vloemans, S. (Sandra), D.L. Roelen (Dave), Voortman, L.M. (Lenard M.), R.M. Verdijk (Robert), C.J.M. Noesel (Carel), et al. Cleven, A.H.G. (Arjen H G), Hawkins, C. (Cynthia), Lang, V. (Veronica), A. de Ru (Arnoud), G.M.C. Janssen (George), G.W. Haasnoot (Geert), K. Franken (Kees), R. van Eijk (Ronald), Solleveld-Westerink, N. (Nienke), T. van Wezel (Tom), R.M. Egeler (Maarten), A. Beishuizen (Auke), J.A.M. van Laar (Jan), O. Abla (Oussama), C. van den Bos (Cor), P. van Veelen (Peter) and A.G.S. van Halteren (Astrid)
January 2019 -
Repertoire sequencing of B cells elucidates the role of UNG and mismatch repair proteins in somatic hypermutation in humans Article
Frontiers in Immunology, 10(AUG)H. IJspeert (Hanna), P.A. van Schouwenburg (Pauline), I. Pico-Knijnenburg (Ingrid), J. Loeffen (Jan), L. Brugières (Laurence), G.J.A. Driessen (Gertjan), Blattmann, C. (Claudia), M. Suerink (Manon), Januszkiewicz-Lewandowska, D. (Danuta), Azizi, A.A. (Amedeo A.), et al. Seidel, M.G. (Marcus G.), H. Jacobs (Heinz) and M. van der Burg (Mirjam)
August 2019 -
Quantification of T-cell and B-cell replication history in aging, immunodeficiency, and newborn screening Article
Frontiers in Immunology, 10(AUG)R.H.J. Verstegen (Ruud H.J.), Aui, P.M. (Pei M.), Watson, E. (Eliza), De Jong, S. (Samuel), S.J.W. Bartol (Sophinus), Bosco, J.J. (Julian J.), Cameron, P.U. (Paul U.), Stirling, R.G. (Robert G.), de Vries, E. (Esther), J.J.M. van Dongen (Jacques), et al. M.C. van Zelm (Menno)
August 2019