Management & Organizational History ( M&OH) is a quarterly, peer-reviewed journal that aims to publish high quality, original, academic research concerning historical approaches to the study of management, organizations and organizing.

The Journal addresses issues from all areas of management, organization studies, and related fields. The unifying theme of M&OH is its historical orientation. The Journal is both empirical and theoretical. It seeks to advance innovative historical methods. It facilitates interdisciplinary dialogue, especially between business and management history and organization theory. The ethos of M&OH is reflective, ethical, imaginative, critical, inter-disciplinary, and international, as well as historical in orientation.

Management & Organizational History ceased publication with SAGE at the end of 2012 (Volume 7) though back files remain available here (February 2006 - November 2012). All renewals for 2013 should be directed to the Taylor & Francis website.