- ISSN: 10995129
Published by Oxford University Press
Procedural and long-term outcome after catheter ablation of idiopathic outflow tract ventricular arrhythmias: Comparing manual, contact force, and magnetic navigated ablation Article
Europace, ii22-ii27.L.J. de Vries (Lennart), A.A. Hendriks (Astrid), S.C. Yap (Sing-Chien), D.A.M.J. Theuns (Dominic), R.T. van Domburg (Ron) and T. Szili-Török (Tamás)
May 2018 -
Clinical research: Remote magnetic navigation vs. Manually controlled catheter ablation of right ventricular outflow tract arrhythmias: A retrospective study Article
Europace, ii28-ii32.Shauer, A. (Ayelet), L.J. de Vries (Lennart), F. Akca (Ferdi), Palazzolo, J. (Jorge), M. Shurrab (Mohammed), I. Lashevsky (Ilan), I. Tiong (Irving), Singh, S.M. (Sheldon M.), D. Newman, T. Szili-Török (Tamás), et al. E. Crystal (Eugene)
May 2018 -
Combining Watchman left atrial appendage closure and catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation: Multicentre registry results of feasibility and safety during implant and 30 days follow-up Article
Europace, 20(6), 949-955.Phillips, K.P. (Karen P.), Pokushalov, E. (Evgeny), Romanov, A. (Aleksandr), Artemenko, S. (Sergey), R. Folkeringa, T. Szili-Török (Tamás), Senatore, G. (Gaetano), Stein, K.M. (Kenneth M.), Razali, O. (Omar), Gordon, N. (Nicole), et al. L. Boersma (Lucas)
June 2018 -
Response to letter to the editor from F. Jacques et al. Letter To Editor
Vos, L.M. (Laura M), J.A.E. Kammeraad (Janneke), M.W. Freund (Matthias), A.C. Blank (Andreas) and J.M.P.J. Breur (Johannes M.P.J.)
July 2018 -
Intraoperative arrhythmias in children with congenital heart disease: Transient, innocent events Article
Europace, 20(7), e115-e123.C.A. Houck (Charlotte), T.T.T.K. Ramdjan (Tanwier), A. Yaksh (Ameeta), C.P. Teuwen (Christophe), E.A.H. Lanters (Eva), A.J.J.C. Bogers (Ad) and N.M.S. de Groot (Natasja)
July 2018 -
Performance of idarucizumab as antidote of dabigatran in daily clinical practice Article
Europace, 21(3), 414-420.van der Wall, S.J., N. van Rein (Nienke), van den Bemt, B, M.J.H.A. Kruip (Marieke), K. Meijer, te Boome, L.C.J., Simmers, T.A., Alings, A.M., Tieleman, R., P.E. Westerweel (Peter), et al. Klok, F. and M.V. Huisman (Menno)
October 2018 -
Arrhythmias in congenital heart disease: A position paper of the European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA), Association for European Paediatric and Congenital Cardiology (AEPC), and the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Working Group on Grown-up Congenital heart disease, endorsed by HRS, PACES, APHRS, and SOLAECE Article
Europace, 20(11), 1719-1720.Hernández-Madrid, A., T. Paul (Thomas), D. Abrams, Aziz, P.F., N.A. Blom (Nico), Chen, J., Chessa, M, Combes, N., Dagres, N., Diller, G., et al. Ernst, S., Giamberti, A, J. Hebe, J. Janousek (Jan), Kriebel, T., Moltedo, J., Moreno, J., Peinado, R., L. Pison (Laurent), E. Rosenthal, Skinner, J.R., K. Zeppenfeld (Katja), C. Sticherling (Christian), J. Kautzner (Josef), Wissner, E., Sommer, P., D. Gupta (Dwijendra), T. Szili-Török (Tamás), Tateno, S, Alfaro, A., W. Budts (Werner), Gallego, P., Schwerzmann, M, Milanesi, O., G. Sarquella-Brugada, Kornyei, L., N. Sreeram (Narayanswami), F. Drago and A. Dubin (Arnaldo)
November 2018 -
Classification of sinus rhythm single potential morphology in patients with mitral valve disease Article
Europace, 22(10), 1509-1519.Van Schie, M.S., Starreveld, R., M.C. Roos-Serote (Maarten), Taverne, Y.J.H.J., Van Schaagen, F.R.N., A.J.J.C. Bogers (Ad) and de Groot, N.M.S.
October 2020