VSNU Open Access deal
Gathering articles with corresponding authors affiliated with EUR (and occasionally other Dutch universities). Efforts have been made to check the submission and/or acceptance dates of the articles against the - slightly dizzying - array of contract conditions.
Relational job characteristics and job satisfaction of public sector employees: When prosocial motivation and red tape collide Article
Public Administration, 97(1), 64-80.January 2017 -
Antenatal staging of congenital lower urinary tract obstruction Article
Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, 53(4), 520-524.Fontanella, F., van Scheltema, P. N. A., van Duin, L, T.E. Cohen-Overbeek (Titia), E. Pajkrt (Eva), M.N. Bekker (Mireille), C. Willekes (Christine), D. Oepkes (Dick) and C.M. Bilardo (Caterina Maddalena)
June 2018 -
Age at natural menopause and life expectancy with and without type 2 diabetes Article
Menopause, 26(4), 387-394.Asllanaj, E., A. Bano (Arjola), M. Glisic (Marija), Jaspers, L., M.A. Ikram (Arfan), J.S.E. Laven (Joop), H. Volzke (Henry), Muka, T. and O.H. Franco (Oscar)
September 2018 -
Implantable cardioverter-defibrillators in previously undiagnosed patients with catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia resuscitated from sudden cardiac arrest Article
European Heart Journal, 40(35), 2953-2961.v.d. Werf, C., Lieve, K.V.V., J.M. Bos (Jasper), Lane, C.M., I. Denjoy (Isabelle), Roses-Noguer, F., Aiba, T., Wada, Y., Ingles, J., Leren, I.S., et al. Rudic, B., P.J. Schwartz (Peter), Maltret, A., Sacher, F., Skinner, J.R., Krahn, A.D., Roston, T.M., Tfelt-Hansen, J., Swan, H., Robyns, T., S. Ohno (Shigeo), J.D. Roberts (Jason), M.P. Lambregtse-van den Berg (Mijke), Kammeraad, J.A.E., V. Probst (Vincent), P.J. Kannankeril (Prince), N.A. Blom (Nico), E.R. Behr (Elijah), M. Borggrefe (Martin), Haugaa, K.H., Semsarian, C., Horie, M., Shimizu, W., Till, J.A., Leenhardt, A., M. Ackerman (Margaret) and A.A.M. Wilde (Arthur)
September 2018 -
Surgical Correction of Craniofacial Microsomia: Evaluation of Interventions in 565 Patients at Three Major Craniofacial Units Article
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 143(5), 1467-1476.B.I. Pluijmers (Britt), Caron, C., van de Lande, L.S., Schaal, S., I.M.J. Mathijssen (Irene), E.B. Wolvius (Eppo), Bulstrode, N., Evans, R.D., Padwa, B.L., M.J. Koudstaal (Maarten), et al. D.J. Dunaway (David)
September 2018 -
The characteristics of psychotic features in bipolar disorder Article
Psychological Medicine, 49(12), 2036-2048.van Bergen, AH, Verkooijen, S, Vreeker, A, Abramovic, L, M.H.J. Hillegers (Manon), A.T. Spijker (Anne), E. Hoencamp (Erik), E.J. Regeer (Eline Janet), Knapen, S.E., Riemersma-Van d Lek, RF, et al. R. Schoevers (Robert), Stevens, AWMM, Schulte, P.F.J., R. Vonk (Ronald), Hoekstra, R., N.J.M. van Beveren (Nico), Kupka, R.W., Sommer, I.E.C., R.A. Ophoff (Roel), R.S. Kahn (René) and Boks, M. P.
October 2018 -
The inclusion of spill-over effects in economic evaluations Not an optional extra Article
PharmacoEconomics, 37(4), 451-456.October 2018 -
Prediction of early mortality following stereotactic body radiotherapy for peripheral early-stage lung cancer Article
Acta Oncologica, 58(2), 237-242.Baker, S, A. Sharma (Aman), R. Peric (Robert), W.D. Heemsbergen (Wilma) and J.J.M.E. Nuyttens (Joost)
October 2018