CIMIC studies the reshaping of citizenship in the context of the increased mobility of persons and populations. The research group Citizenship, Migration & the City (CIMIC) analyses the social consequences of globalization in terms of new patterns of migration and citizenship and in terms of new configurations of urban spaces and recalibrations of nation-states. In addition to the international and comparative orientation of the research subprogram, staff members have also developed specific expertise on the city of Rotterdam and have cultivated strong links with the city and its institutions to further improve the scope and relevance of the research. CIMIC is an interdisciplinary research group, rooted in the Department of Sociology but closely working with other scholars from other disciplines such as public administration and history. In fact, one of its research clusters focuses on issues of governance and is coordinated by the Department of Public Administration. CIMIC is also member of the international research network IMISCOE and the Dutch Centre of Migration History (University of Leiden). CIMIC has four interrelated research lines: (1) Citizenship; (2) Migration & Integration; (3) The City, and (4) Governance of Migration & Integration. A research line combines a set of interrelated projects on which a group of senior and junior members of the program collaborate for a number of years.