Anyone can suffer a stroke at any time and the consequences of stroke are often severe. It therefore remains an important challenge to find new prognostic factors and to further evaluate the importance of known prognostic factors, as this may improve clinical knowledge and management, and may guide new therapies. This thesis focusses on the influence of the prognostic factors temperature and sex on treatment and outcome of patients with acute stroke. We aimed to assess the effect of body temperature management on functional outcome in patients with acute stroke by performing the Paracetamol (Acetaminophen) in Stroke 2 (PAIS 2) trial. In addition, we investigated sex differences in the acute management of ischemic stroke and sex differences in long-term functional outcome after intracerebral hemorrhage.

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D.W.J. Dippel (Diederik) , H.B. van der Worp (Bart)
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Department of Neurology

de Ridder, I. (2017, June 28). Temperature and Sex as Prognostic Factors in Stroke. Retrieved from