Chemotherapy plays a central role in the management of cancer patients, particularly those with disseminated tumors not suitable for surgery or treatment by localized radiation therapy. Several types of cancers can be cured by chemotherapy, whereas the role of chemotherapy in many other cancers is palliative and may, in some few cases, extend patient's life but not result in a cure.
Oncologists are intrigued by the fact that some cancers are drug-sensitive and thus curable, whereas other types are drug-resistant and respond poorly or only partially to chemotherapy. It is widely believed that if the biochemical and molecular basis of drug resistance is elucidated, it should become possible to devise new strategies for the circumvention of this resistance, hence increasing the number of cancers that can be cured. [...],
Aktuelle Urologie
Department of Urology

Mickisch, G. H. J. (1993). Gene Technology to Support Clinical Urological Research. Aktuelle Urologie, 24, 40–45. doi:10.1055/s-2008-1058342