Destinations strive to host international hallmark events like the Olympic Games and FIFA World Cup™ to create a positive legacy. Hallmark events influence multiple domains of legacy (e.g. economic, infrastructural, social, and political) that vary in terms of tonality, tangibility, and sustainability. Recent hallmark events as well as international hallmark events in the upcoming decade will be mainly hosted by emerging destinations, including Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa (BRICSA). Which tendencies and dilemmas can be identified when comparing the legacy of hallmark events hosted in these so-called BRICSA destinations? Cross-cultural dynamics are of importance in such a multiple case study among different destinations and different hallmark events (Preuss European Sport Management Quarterly,11(1):55-71,2007). This chapter contributes to the understanding of the heterogeneous effects of hosting hallmark events in emerging destinations in order to, first, support decision makers in their judgment about the organization of such comprehensive projects. Second, this chapter provides a research agenda to indicate relevant gaps in the understandings of the legacy of hallmark events, especially when related to the context of emerging destinations. Third, as methodology lacks to draw tendencies based on the conclusions of previous investigations of hallmark event legacy, this chapter aims to indicate research approaches for comparative multiple case studies.,
Erasmus University Rotterdam

Beek, R.M. (Remco M.), & Go, F. (2017). Legacy of hallmark events: Cross-cultural analysis among emerging destinations. In Global Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Challenges and Experiences from East and West (pp. 273–314). doi:10.1007/978-3-319-43859-7_15