STUDY OBJECTIVES: Relapse-free survival in patients with sulcus superior tumors. DESIGN: Prospective registration study. SETTING: Department of surgical oncology of a university hospital. PATIENTS: Twenty-one patients treated with preoperative radiotherapy (46 Gy), lobectomy and chest-wall resection, and intraoperative radiotherapy (10 Gy). RESULTS: After a median follow-up of 18 months, 18 patients (85%) were free from locoregional relapse, while 8 patients were still alive. CONCLUSIONS: The results show that this protocol can achieve excellent local tumor control and can even be used for palliative treatment.

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Chest: the cardiopulmonary and critical care journal
Erasmus MC: University Medical Center Rotterdam

van Geel, A., Jansen, P., van Klaveren, R., & van der Sijp, J. (2003). High relapse-free survival after preoperative and intraoperative radiotherapy and resection for sulcus superior tumors. Chest: the cardiopulmonary and critical care journal. Retrieved from